Getting Started

Application Setup

An Application object holds the configuration of your WAMP app and provides adapters to start serving the application to connections.

import serverwamp

app = serverwamp.Application()

The configuration of an application can include procedures the client can call, handlers for client event subscriptions, and ways to authenticate and identify a client when it connects.

Remote Procedure Calls

A simple Python async function can serve requests from clients that expect a response. These kind of requests are called remote procedure calls or RPCs. The data that serves as the input for the request and the data included in the response are called arguments.

Python functions used to serve these requests are assigned a “route”, a URI used by clients to identify the procedure they want to call.

# First create a route set:
math_api = serverwamp.RPCRouteSet()

# Next add a procedure and register it with a route
async def add_numbers(number1, number2):
    """Adds two numbers together"""
    total = number1 + number2

    # This procedure has a single return argument:
    return total

# Add registered routes to the application serving clients:

Function Call Arguments

The order and name of arguments in the function signature are important. The order is used when non-keyword arguments are supplied by the caller and the names are used when keyword arguments are supplied.

Type Marshalling

RPC route handlers can supply type hints that are used to transform call arguments passed in from the client.

async def slowly_count(count_to: int, interval: float, taunt: str = 'ah ah ah!'):
    for i in range(count_to):
        print(f'{i}, {taunt}')
        await asyncio.sleep(interval)
from decimal import Decimal

async def store_timestamp(timestamp: Decimal):

Without type hints, arguments are injected as they were parsed by the deserializer (e.g. float for JSON Number).

In addition to the arguments supplied by the caller, special pre-defined argument names can be used in the function signature and serverwamp will fill these in automatically. Out of the box, the request and session arguments are available.

async def local_file(filename, session):
    # filename is a regular WAMP RPC call argument, session is supplied
    # by serverwamp
    peer_address = session.connection.transport_info['peer_address']
    if peer_address != '':
        return RPCErrorResult(args=('Not authorized',))

    with open(filename, 'r') as file:

Function Return Arguments

Single return argument:

return 42

Any serializable non-mapping, non-list, and non-tuple can be returned and it will be used as the single return argument to the caller.

Positional return arguments:

return 'Peanut Butter', 'Jelly', 'Bread'

A tuple or list of items of any serializable types can be returned and they will be positional arguments in the result.

Keyword return arguments:

return {'gregorianYear': 2020, '生肖': '鼠'}

If a mapping type is returned, the keys and values construct keyword arguments returned to the caller.

Custom return arguments:

return serverwamp.RPCResult(
    args=('Rock & Roll', 'Blues', 'Jazz'),
        'playlistLength': 6432,
        'playlistSubscribers': 51

Any combination of serializable arguments and keyword arguments can be returned by constructing an RPCResult.

Error responses:

You can respond to the caller to let them know an error has occurred by returning an RPCErrorResult. Just like regular results, errors can have arguments.

return serverwamp.RPCErrorResult(
        'errorCode': 'BAD_INPUT'
        'errorMessage': 'You should have supplied a number instead of a string.'

Progressive responses:

An RPC handler function can push progress reports down to clients waiting for a result by fashioning your RPC handler as an asynchronous iterator that produces any number of RPCProgressReports followed by a final RPCResult or RPCErrorResult. The easiest way to create an RPC handler like this is by making an asynchronous generator function.

async def countdown_to_liftoff():
    for time_left in 3, 2, 1:
        yield serverwamp.RPCProgressReport(
            kwargs={'timeLeft': time_left}
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

    yield serverwamp.RPCResult(kwargs={'liftoffStatus': 'SUCCESS'})

WAMP clients that don’t support progressive results will only see the end result or error.

Sending Events to Clients

A big benefit to having a persistent connection like a WebSocket is that events can be pushed to clients without the client having to poll for new data and without new connections needing to be established.

Given a Session object, events can be published to the client with Session.send_event(). This could happen inside of an RPC procedure, or in response to external event (from a message broker for example).

To keep track of what sessions have subscribed to a topic, you can register a function to be called when a session subscribes to a topic. The function should return an asynchronous iterator whose first part is the behavior when the subscription is established and second part is behavior for when the subscription is torn down or the session is closed.

events = serverwamp.TopicRouteSet()

async def subscribe_to_hourly_updates(topic, session):
    # On subscribe…


    # On unsubscribe or session close…

async def run_hourly_updates():
    while True:
        for session in self._to_update():
                args=(f'The hour is {}',)
        await asyncio.sleep(60.0)



Serving Connections

The WAMP protocol is designed to be served over a streaming network transport layer like HTTP WebSockets or TCP. serverwamp serves WAMP peers using the networking features of other libraries. It also makes it easy to serve WAMP connections in the same HTTP server as other routes such as RESTful HTTP.

aiohttp WebSockets

aiohttp is a popular async HTTP server (and client) library built on top of Python’s asyncio. Application.aiohttp_websocket_handler() produces an aiohttp web request handler that can be assigned an HTTP route. The route will then serve WAMP WebSockets using JSON or MsgPack serializations. The WAMP app can be served alongside other HTTP or even other WebSocket routes.

ASGI Server WebSockets

Application.asgi_application() produces an aiohttp web request handler that can be assigned an HTTP route. The route will then serve WAMP WebSockets using JSON or MsgPack serializations.


Authentication can be required for new sessions. To require authentication, supply one or more authenticator functions.

A realm can have any number of transport authenticators, but only one challenge-based authenticator like ticket or CRA. If no transport authenticator has marked the session as authenticated, then severwamp will proceed with any supplied challenge-based authenticator. If no authenticators return an identity, the session will be aborted as having failed authentication.

Transport Authenticator

A transport authenticator can decide if a session is valid based on information provided when the WAMP connection was established. It returns an identity of any type if authentication succeeds or nothing if authentication fails.

Transport authenticators are configured by calling Realm.add_transport_authenticator or Application.add_transport_authenticator to add them to the default realm.

async def transport_authenticator(session) -> Any:
    cookies = session.connection.transport_info['http_cookies']
    if cookies['myName'] == 'Jeff':
        identity = {'name': 'Jeff'}
        return identity


Some potential indicators that a transport authenticator could use to establish a valid identity:

  • session.auth_id (the WAMP authentication ID if provided, e.g. username)

  • session.connection.transport_info['http_cookies'] (mapping of cookie keys to value)

  • session.connection.transport_info['peer_certificate'] (if WAMP peer connected with SSL or TLS)

  • session.connection.transport_info['peer_address'] String of IP address or Unix path of the WAMP peer.

Ticket Authenticator

Ticket authenticators are configured by calling Realm.set_ticket_authenticator or Application.set_ticket_authenticator to set the ticket authenticator for the default realm. It returns an identity of any type if authentication succeeds or nothing if authentication fails. Only one ticket authenticator is allowed per-realm.

async def ticket_authenticator(session, ticket) -> Any:
    if ticket in auth_db:
        return identity


Challenge-Response Authenticator

In order to make CRA challenges, two callables are required, a requirement provider and an identity provider. If the peer successfully proves they have the same secret from the requirement provider, the session’s identity will be retrieved from the identity provider. Only one set of CRA handlers are allowed per realm.

import serverwamp

async def cra_requirement_provider(session) -> Any:
    secret = await my_company_auth_db.retrieve_secret(session.auth_id)
    req = serverwamp.CRAAuthRequirement(
    return req

async def cra_identity_provider(session):
    """Called only when CRA auth is successful."""
    user = await my_company_users_db.retrieve_user(session.auth_id)
    return user

app.set_cra_handlers(cra_requirement_provider, cra_identity_provider)

Custom Authentication

To completely customize the authentication process, the core authentication behavior can be replaced by a custom handler. See Custom Handlers/Authentication for more information.